Search results for Water

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Water in agriculture

It often rains in Belgium, and yet, the demand for water is higher than what our groundwater resources and rivers can support. This will certainly be the case in the future, where we can expect more w...

Efficient water use on the farm


Coastal protection

...efficiency and impact of foreshore replenishment, where a sand buffer is constructed in the shallow water (instead of on the beach as in a classic sand replenishment). ILVO and UGent were able to d...


Precision fishing

.... For example, the data provide insights into where and when fish are caught, and data from surface water temperature sensors are particularly valuable to climate scientists. Marketing and prec...



...for people, it is also sustainable to grow. Other crops use more than twice the amount of water that quinoa needs. Quinoa is also a stress-resistant crop that rarely suffers from drought and salini...



...all those functions are lost. This results in, among other things, a greater risk of flooding, less water infiltration, warmer cities and towns, less CO2 storage by plants and the soil, and a loss ...


Soil improvement with organic fertilizers

...ompost, biochar and other (products of) residual flows can contribute positively to soil structure, water balance, soil life and nutrient management. As a result, they can increase the resilience o...



...nment, from one organism to another, and through different environmental compartments such as soil, water and air. Eventually, it is converted back to nitrogen gas by bacteria. This process is call...


Stray voltage in the dairy barn

... All conducive parts in the barn can carry a slight electrical currrent as a result. From stalls to water troughs and from rafters to milking nipples. If a cow comes into contact with this conducto...


Soil: carbon sequestration

ILVO examines the impact of elevated groundwater tables on soil carbon stocks and examines the value of these soils


Ruimte op zee

ILVO monitors the marine environment in Belgian waters, including zones where human activities take place.


Ecosystem-oriented marine modeling and management impacts on the marine environment More than 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by marine waters. We benefit from this environment in several ways (e.g., food source, oil extraction, and ...



...g op allerlei ‘platformen’ mogelijk, zoals een tractor, robot, drone, weegbrug, waterloop, enz. A.I. modellen en rekenkracht Hoe meer data uit de omgeving, de markt en vanop het veld een l...


Biodiversity in and on the sea floor

...ILVO is also working on methods to extract 'environmental' DNA (eDNA) directly from environmental water within the ZERO impact project. The aim is to use DNA to determine which species occur at dif...


Klimaatmitigatie en klimaatadaptatie

... hitte bij dieren vermijden door het stalklimaat aan te passen, water te vernevelen via ventilatoren, het voeder aan te passen,… Voorbeelden: EHBKOE, CoolChicks, CoolPigs Droogte en extreme nee...


Klimaatmitigatie en klimaatadaptatie

... hitte bij dieren vermijden door het stalklimaat aan te passen, water te vernevelen via ventilatoren, het voeder aan te passen,… Voorbeelden: EHBKOE, CoolChicks, CoolPigs Droogte en extreme nee...

Research projects

Usefulness of deep groundwater as a water source for pigs

Filters: Water

Since 2005, strict legal restrictions on collecting of well water in the province of West Flanders (from the Landenian aquifer, under the Iperian aquitard) have consequences for local farmers.

Research projects

Water consumption in animal husbandry

Filters: Water

To prevent future water scarcity in livestock farming, efforts must be made to switch to alternative water sources as well as to save water


Drinkwatermedicatie (2014) Medicatie toedienen op het pluimveebedrijf via het drinkwater is een snelle en efficiënte manier om een groot aantal dieren te behandelen. Wel moet rekening gehouden worden ...


Normen wateronderzoek bij pluimvee Referentiewaarden biochemie (DGZ) Normen Belplume - Wateronderzoek kippen kalkoenen Normen Belplume - Wateronderzoek overig pluimvee Normen wateronderzoek toelating ...

Research projects

Irrigation 2.0: Which water when and where?

Filters: Water

This project "Irrigation 2.0" aims to improve the efficiency of farm irrigation to ensure an optimal application of the available water sources.

Duurzaam watergebruik

Demoproject 'Goed drinkwater, onzichtbaar goud op een veeteeltbedrijf' (2019) Dit demonstratieproject wordt gesubsidieerd door het Europees Landbouwfonds voor Plattelandsontwikkeling en is een samenwe...

Voeder en Water / Drinkwater

Drinkwater Algemeen Melkvee Vleesvee Nuttige links Algemeen Ontsmetten van drinkwater op veeteeltbedrijven: noodzaak of luxe?(DL&V, 2010) Gezien de sterke waterafhankelijkheid van veeteeltbedrijve...


Drought tolerant crops drought during the growing season, including in Flanders. This requires a systematic approach to water in agriculture, in which the use of drought-tolerant crops plays an important role.


Soil health

Healthy soils are as important to life on earth as clean air and water. Healthy soils not only lead to healthy and productive crops, they also provide numerous additional ecosystem services such as cl...



In this type of agroforestry, a ditch-berm structure follows the lines of the landscape. This allows water to spread more evenly.


Algae: seaweed and microalgae

...nts. Their palette of flavors is also diverse and to produce them you need barely any land or fresh water.