Past events

This archive contains all past events. If available, you can also find presentations, reports, videos and other materials to relive these events.


Doctoral defense

Publieke doctoraatsverdediging Lauren Verleysen

Past Aula Wolfspoort, Schapenstraat 34, 3000 Leuven
wild coffee

Tijdens haar onderzoek richtte ze zich op de genetische diversiteit van wilde koffie (Coffea canephora) in Yangambi (Democratische Republiek...

Contact day

EJP Soil final conference

Past Brussels Belpaire building

The contribution of EJP SOIL at the science to policy interface.

Study day

Soil Health Conference - World Soil Day

Past Herman Teirlinckgebouw, Havenlaan 88, 1000 Brussel (walking distance from Brussels-North train station)

In Europe, 60-70% of soils have been diagnosed as ‘non healthy’ (EC, 2020). Flanders is no exception. The health of agricultural soils is cr...