Sustainable soil management is a fundamental requirement for sustainable crop production and delivery of ecosystem services.
ILVO's Plant & Soil Living Lab is the platform for open innovation and co-creation to facilitate collaboration between actors from the agrifood and the ornamental plant sectors and to use the knowledge present in all parties for effective innovation. We strive to disseminate knowledge in a targeted way that is tailored to the end-user. We are your partner in research.
Sustainable soil management is a fundamental requirement for sustainable crop production and delivery of ecosystem services.
Plant health is largely determined by the presence or absence of harmful organisms.
Plant growth is controlled by environmental factors such as light, temperature, CO2 concentration and relative humidity.
Creating added value in crops using both classical and innovative breeding techniques.
A better understanding of the underlying processes can boost both breeding and plant health knowledge.
Cultivation optimization through cultivation technique, crop rotation, crop and variety selection can lead to higher profitability.